Cəfər Cabbarlı 46, Deluxe Plaza


The primary objective of modern education is to cultivate students with a comprehensive personality fit for the community. To achieve this, schools and educational institutions must prioritize their infrastructure and continually invest in the professional development of pedagogical staff, ensuring constant improvement. Establishing a modern school and providing children with opportunities for development without modern technology poses significant challenges.

Furthermore, merely having modern technology in a company does not guarantee its proper use. Sometimes, improperly utilized resources may not positively impact the quality of education and could even have negative repercussions. Therefore, ensuring proper planning of infrastructure and enhancing staff skills in utilizing technological devices are crucial aspects.

The EdTech AZ team offers planning of Professional Developments services to address issues related to the proper planning, implementation, and utilization of technological projects in educational institutions. Additionally, we provide support to companies that prioritize staff development through our range of services:

- Planning of Professional Developments

- Organization of professional development days

- Customized training preparation based on requests

- Seminar organization

- Webinar organization

- Camp organization