Cəfər Cabbarlı 46, Deluxe Plaza

EdTech AZ offers consultation, advice, and comprehensive briefings on the extensive impact of technology on schools, teachers, and administrators. Our consultation covers:

- Purposeful integration of technology in school settings

- Academic applications of technology

- Technology fostering 21st-century skills

- School Data systems

- Best practices for utilizing technology in schools

- Cloud systems in school environments

- Emerging technology trends: Robotics, Programming, STEAM, Maker Space, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Citizenship, AR & VR

- Planning and budgeting

One of the most common errors schools make in educational technology is diving into programs or initiatives without adequate planning.

Prior to implementing any project, educational institutions must assess and research the current landscape and opportunities, strategically planning all educational technology-related matters. In light of this, we invite you to leverage our IT consulting services, offering the following advantages:

- Identification of strengths and needs within the school's existing IT system and technology envoriment.

- Development of strategic plans, roadmaps, and documentation to address current needs and establish sustainable access

- Preparation of budget documentation for project implementation

- Ongoing support during and post-project implementation, with personalized involvement in project execution